The law of attraction and manifestation means focusing on an idea and bringing it to reality. Simply put as that, it’s pseudoscience. I think we can all agree that you can’t just habitually think of something and have it unfold in front of you. If so, all my loved ones would be rich and I’d be married to the love of my life with a whole lot of dogs by now lol
I’ll tell you what is backed by science though- neuroplasticity. Your mental and emotional state is malleable. Through your behaviors and the experiences you have everyday- you can exercise your brain and mental state just like you do your muscles. Now where does behavior stem from? Your thoughts- here’s how
Neurons that fire together, wire together - neuropsychologist, Donald Hebb
Neural networks form based on what you routinely think, feel and do. Proactively think and act the way you want to until it becomes unconscious behavior
How? First, Set your intention based on your desires and the person you want to be
Second, create a realistic strategy
Then, routinely practice what you preach
It’s not easy. Your genes and environment are players in this game too. They could constrain you but ultimately- the choice is up to you. I’m a firm believer in that
The more you think about what you want and take purposeful action, the more you will “manifest” what you want