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Mallory Reilly
Jun 21, 20212 min read
Your Unique Life Experience through Your Lens: The Kawa Model
Have you ever looked at a river and thought “this river is not flowing fast enough” or “those rocks shouldn’t be there” or “those streams...

Mallory Reilly
May 18, 20212 min read
What Do You Believe?
A belief is something you hold to be true. What you hold to be true influences the emotions you have. The emotions you have influence...

Mallory Reilly
Feb 10, 20212 min read
You can create a genetic code for optimism if you want to. Your choices become your physiology.
People often joke with me that I am abnormally optimistic. I respond with it is in my genes. I am not kidding. I control this. Happiness...

Mallory Reilly
Jan 6, 20211 min read
Learn about current pain science and take control of your life
Think about these extremes- you can stub your toe or get a papercut and it hurts so badly. But stubbing your toe doesn’t even bruise and...

Mallory Reilly
Dec 28, 20202 min read
Should you go pedal to the metal or hit the brakes??
Being able to make a judgement call with your “intuition muscle” (is what I like to call it) is an essential skill for any trainee If you...

Mallory Reilly
Aug 11, 20201 min read
Swing Away to Keep the Pain at Bay
Injuries suck. Pain sucks. Having to change your normal routines to adapt to I don’t want you to be in pain. I don’t want...

Mallory Reilly
May 11, 20201 min read
Don't Neglect your Neck
If you are neglecting your neck, you are neglecting your health. I start and end all training sessions (both with clients and my own...

Mallory Reilly
Apr 25, 20202 min read
Visualize Yourself Stronger
It's not hippie-dippie, it's science. Your cerebellum (located in the bottom back of your brain) is able to coordinate movement without...

Mallory Reilly
Apr 20, 20202 min read
Keep your angels close and your demons closer
You commit to physically training everyday. You practice the things you are good at because it boosts your confidence and you want to...

Mallory Reilly
Apr 16, 20202 min read
3 Ways to Maintain Strength Without Heavy Lifting
Don’t fret! It can be done! Unilateral training Pistols, skater squats, super high step ups, single leg box squats are single leg...

Mallory Reilly
Apr 13, 20201 min read
Why Train With Kettlebells?
Kettlebell training is one of the most effective means of physical and mental strength development. Let’s talk about the swing to start....
Mallory Reilly
Dec 24, 20192 min read
Are You Working on Your Motor Learning?
Are you working on your motor learning? Just here giving you another OT perspective on benefits of training that have nothing to do with...
Mallory Reilly
Nov 21, 20191 min read
Work Hard, Play Hard
Work hard, play hard. Growing up that’s something my Grandpa always told me and a concept my whole family really values. Not in the sense...
Mallory Reilly
Nov 15, 20192 min read
I’m going to give you an occupational therapist's perspective on training and “working out”
Instead of thinking about burning calories or getting a six pack. I challenge you to think about your mental health and how you feel and...
Mallory Reilly
Aug 20, 20191 min read
Does manifestation work?
The law of attraction and manifestation means focusing on an idea and bringing it to reality. Simply put as that, it’s pseudoscience. I...
Mallory Reilly
Jul 31, 20192 min read
Vulnerability is Not Weakness
Vulnerability is not weakness To the woman who lived through a stroke and is being taught how to put pants on again in a crowded...
Mallory Reilly
Jul 19, 20192 min read
There is No Right Way to Move, Only Better Ways
YOU DON'T NEED TO BE FIXED but you do need to be aware of how you're moving There are many different ways to perform one movement. It...
Mallory Reilly Strength LLC 2020
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